AUDIO ALERT: Due to technical difficulties, you may to have increase volume on your device for best audio. This week in Pastor Phil's discussion with Patty Dill, he comments further (1 Timothy 2:9-15) on Paul's identification of Godly submission for women. Patty describes some of the challenges women face in light of this passage and also how women can embrace their God-given character to serve, disciple and nurture relationships within the church family.
Pastor Phil talks with Patty Dill about the importance of praying for our nation and our leaders as described in 1 Timothy 2:1-8. Learn how you can organize prayer time and become intentional in praying for your family, your community, leaders in your life, our country and for God to move in a powerful way.
Baptizing and CommunionPastor Phil speaks to the role of baptism in a believer’s life. After our Sunday of celebration and observing the Lord’s Supper, Pastor Phil discusses with Patty Dill the importance of baptism and also the importance of coming to the table - the Lord’s table - as a church family to celebrate the breaking of bread (Christ’s body broken and sacrificed for our sin) and drinking the cup (the blood Christ shed).
Pastor Phil discusses the importance of changing our intake from popular culture to the Godly wisdom and understanding found in God's Word. More income of God's ways means less outgo of our ways. Learn some new insight on how Bible Reading can be interesting instead of boring.