It's time to pick another verse to memorize for the 15th! And...
With 10 possible verses memorized so far, it's time to SHARE it! ON SEPTEMBER 1st, your challenge will be NOT ONLY to pick another verse to memorize but also to share (by video) a previous scripture you've memorized. Practice one or two of your memorized verses. Setup your smartphone at home to video yourself saying those verses - include where the scripture is found and why you chose that verse or why it's important to you. Then "share" the video on the MaconFBC group Facebook "SHARE YOUR VERSE" September 1st event. Or, if you aren't on Facebook, msg your video to Patty at 660-349-3710. We will post your videos on the SMC page at the end of September. You have 15 DAYS to get ready. Get set......"see" you on the 1st!
John, Michele, & Maysie Snider
8/15/2016 12:23:19 pm
John 14:26
Jennifer Swift
8/15/2016 12:54:31 pm
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
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challengeStoring up God's Word in our minds! Proverbs 6:21-22 - Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you. VERSESTO MEMORIZEFighter verses for Children260 essential "fighter verses" to arm believers to faith for faith and love, and against unbelief and sin. Memorize one verse or short passage a week on your own, with your family or together as an entire church body.
Fighter verses for AdultsWith the launch of the new Fighter Verses, an iPhone® / iPad® app was developed - this is one app to wield in fighting fire with fire.
Why Memorize?John Piper - Why Memorize Scripture?
BibleGateway - 10 Tips on memorizing Bible verses LifeWay - 7 Reasons Why Kids MUST Memorize Scripture ![]()
Download image to print on a notecard with your verse or to use for your purposes.
November 2016