Pick a verse of scripture to memorize between Nov. 1 and 15th. If you've just recently joined the SMC challenge, welcome! If you've been memorizing and have several verses memorized, share it with us. Video yourself saying your verse (and share where it's found) and then text the video to Patty at 660-349-3710. We will share some of the videos as they come through. Don't be bashful...your video testimony will encourage and possibly spur someone on to join the SMC challenge, too. Post your verse here and start the challenge!
Pick another verse to memorize on October 1 and get started memorizing it. Several of you have been memorizing since the SCRIPTURE MEMORY CHALLENGE began. It's time to take the SMC video challenge! Practice one or two of your memorized verses. Setup your smartphone at home to video yourself saying those verses from memory - share where the scripture is found and why you chose that verse or why it's important to you. Then send your video by text message to Patty Dill at 660-349-3710. We will post your videos on the SMC page at the end of October. Janie Teter - taking the SMC video challengeFIRST, pick another verse to memorize on September 1 and get started.
With 10 possible verses memorized so far, it's time to SHARE it! Share (by video) a previous scripture you've memorized. Practice one or two of your memorized verses. Setup your smartphone at home to video yourself saying those verses from memory - include where the scripture is found and why you chose that verse or why it's important to you. Then "share" your video on the MaconFBC group Facebook "SHARE YOUR VERSE" September 1st event (click here). Or, if you aren't on Facebook, msg your video to Patty at 660-349-3710. We will post your videos on the SMC page at the end of September. Share this challenge with your friends! It's time to pick another verse to memorize for the 15th! And...
With 10 possible verses memorized so far, it's time to SHARE it! ON SEPTEMBER 1st, your challenge will be NOT ONLY to pick another verse to memorize but also to share (by video) a previous scripture you've memorized. Practice one or two of your memorized verses. Setup your smartphone at home to video yourself saying those verses - include where the scripture is found and why you chose that verse or why it's important to you. Then "share" the video on the MaconFBC group Facebook "SHARE YOUR VERSE" September 1st event. Or, if you aren't on Facebook, msg your video to Patty at 660-349-3710. We will post your videos on the SMC page at the end of September. You have 15 DAYS to get ready. Get set......"see" you on the 1st! To post your new verse of choice to memorize in the next 15 days, click on "comments" below and post your verse in "leave your comment". Share the verse and where it's found and why you chose that verse or passage. We're glad you are taking the challenge!!!
Welcome to the Scripture Memory Challenge. If you are just now hearing about the challenge, it's not too late to get started memorizing 24 verses of scripture within a year's time. To post your verse of choice to memorize in the next 15 days, click on "comments" below and post your verse in "leave your comment". Share the verse and where it's found and why you chose that verse or passage. Take a look at past challenges and posts to see what verse others are memorizing. We're glad you are taking the challenge!!!
Memorize 24 verses in a year! Join the challenge. Post your verse and where it's found by clicking comment below. Share why you chose this verse, too. Encourage your friends to join the challenge!!
Join the challenge to memorize 24 verses of scripture in one year. To post your verse of choice to memorize in the next 15 days, click on "comments" below and post your verse in "leave your comment". Share the verse and where it's found and why you chose that verse or passage.
Welcome to the Scripture Memory Challenge. If you've not yet joined the challenge - join us now and memorize 24 verses of scripture in one year. To post your verse of choice to memorize in the next 15 days, click on "comments" below and post your verse in "leave your comment". Share the verse and where it's found and why you chose that verse or passage. Take a look at past challenges and posts to see what verse others are memorizing. We're glad you've chosen to TAKE THE CHALLENGE!
Welcome to the Scripture Memory Challenge. If you're just getting started, this is challenge #4. But, feel free to join in anytime. We are striving to memorize at least 24 verses of scripture in a year.
To post your verse of choice to memorize in the next 15 days, click on "comments" below and post your verse in "leave your comment". Share the verse, where it's found and why you chose that verse or passage. Take a look at past challenges and posts to see what verse others are memorizing. We're glad you've chosen to TAKE THE CHALLENGE! You might just be getting started...that's ok! CLICK on comments below to post your verse and where it's found.
Curious what verses others are memorizing, click COMMENTS in older posts to see verses. Curious what verses are best to memorize and why? Check out Desiring God's fighter verses and App here! Get started on memorizing it. Take the next 13-14 days to memorize that passage of scripture. Then, get ready on May 15 to post another verse to memorize. You'll have accomplished memorizing 24 verses of scripture in a year! It's time to post your SECOND VERSE for the challenge. CLICK COMMENTS BELOW to post your 2nd verse in the challenge, where it's found and why it's important to you. If you chose to memorize a longer passage of scripture on your first challenge and need more time...finish strong. Keep going and pick back up with future challenges as they come around.
How'd you do on your first choice? Are you still working at it? Let us know how you're coming along or how God has used it in your life. See post below, "Finish Strong with your First Challenge" and comment on how you did or how your memory is progressing. How are you progressing with the SCRIPTURE MEMORY CHALLENGE?
4 days to go in memorizing your first scripture of choice. Pray for God to imprint His words into your mind and for the diligence in accomplishing the goal. We'll post again on April 15. HOW TO GET STARTED:
Welcome aboard the 2016 Scripture Memory Challenge!
One of the THEE most important actions we can ever take as fellow believers is to take on God’s Word—read it, live it, pass it on, use it, tell it and MEMORIZE IT - hide it in our heart (Psalms 119:10-11) to the point it’s lived out through our actions, in our prayers, our conversations, our gospel-telling, and in loving our friends, family and community. Not to mention while doing so, we exercise our brains and develop a Biblical outlook on the ups and downs of life. (1 Tim 4:6-13) How many times in your life have you committed to memorizing a verse of scripture or maybe a chapter or two only to have lost your memory of it later on or you fizzled out and quit. Most of us have been there. Maybe we lacked the encouragement to do so or maybe we needed someone to challenge us to keep that word alive in our minds. The purpose of the Scripture Memory Challenge (SMC) is to provide encouragement and comradery in memorizing verses of scripture together—2 verses each month with an end result of having memorized 24 verses in a year. The good news is you won’t leave your home to do this. Pick up your phone or computer and join us ONLINE at SMC Blog. The Scripture Memory Challenge will be a challenge to your mind and require disciplining your time and attention. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 ESV) It’s worth our time in memorizing it in order to store it up and walk in it (Psalm 119) and to handle it rightly as we tell others about the truth of the Gospel. (2 Tim 2:15) So without further ado…. LET’S GET STARTED!!!!! Here’s how it will work… 1) "COMMENT" and post your verse to memorize on the 1st and 15th of each month. You'll see the BLOG POST to begin sharing your verse...do so by clicking on COMMENT. Share why that verse is important to you or why you chose it to memorize. Begin memorizing it. If that verse is speaking something specific into your life, share about it. 2) TAKE NOTE OF VERSES OTHERS ARE MEMORIZING AND COMMENT FOR ENCOURAGEMENT. Or, share helpful tips on memorizing, or comment if someone else's verse has impacted your life. 3) REVISIT THIS BLOG on a regular basis to keep encouraging others or see what verses others are memorizing. 4) KEEP IT GOING!!!! CHOOSE YOUR NEXT VERSE on the following 1st or 15th, leave it in comments, share your struggles and successes in memorizing. This is where we’ll be accountable to each other on this journey of hiding God’s Word in our hearts and minds. Proverbs 6:21-22 - Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you. |
challengeStoring up God's Word in our minds! Proverbs 6:21-22 - Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you. VERSESTO MEMORIZEFighter verses for Children260 essential "fighter verses" to arm believers to faith for faith and love, and against unbelief and sin. Memorize one verse or short passage a week on your own, with your family or together as an entire church body.
Fighter verses for AdultsWith the launch of the new Fighter Verses, an iPhone® / iPad® app was developed - this is one app to wield in fighting fire with fire.
Why Memorize?John Piper - Why Memorize Scripture?
BibleGateway - 10 Tips on memorizing Bible verses LifeWay - 7 Reasons Why Kids MUST Memorize Scripture ![]()
Download image to print on a notecard with your verse or to use for your purposes.
November 2016